Since 2010, N6A has held weekly team lunches, compliments of N6A management. We haven’t missed a week!
What’s it About?
The quickest way to an N6A team member’s heart is through their stomach. With that in mind, one of the longest standing traditions at N6A is our weekly team lunch. Since 2010, we have had lunch together as a team each week with few exceptions, compliments of N6A. It brings us together, and always leaves a good taste in our mouth as the week is winding down.
Who is Eligible?
All N6A team members who are in the office on the day of our weekly team lunches.
How is it Determined?
At the discretion of the N6A Office Manager.
Facts and Perks:
Weekly team lunches usually take place on Thursdays, but are sometimes moved to earlier or later in the week, or bypassed altogether, depending on the week (e.g. holiday weeks, short weeks, etc.).